
Into the Book products available for purchase include the following:
  • Into the Book video series: nine 15-minute classroom videos teaching children how to be strategic readers
  • Behind the Lesson video series: nine 10-minute professional development videos that model effective ways of teaching the learning strategies
  • Into the Book posters and bulletin board strips

Wisconsin Residents
Purchase Into the Book DVDs, Posters, and Bulletin Board Strips.

Watch Into the Book Online
Wisconsin residents may watch all Into the Book videos online at To access the free streaming videos, choose Into the Book Series from the list here.
Non-Wisconsin Residents

Purchase Into the Book DVDs, Posters, and Bulletin Board Strips from PBS Wisconsin Education.

Educators outside the United States contact
About Posters and Bulletin Board Strips

Poster: Evaluating
The set of nine posters includes one poster for each learning strategy, with an additional poster that includes all eight strategies. Dimensions are 18" X 24".

Purchase these posters using the order form above, or download an 8 ½" x 11" printable pdf version from the Posters tab in any strategy.

Activity Screenshot
Bulletin Board Strips
This set of 12 bulletin board strips features a graphic symbol for each of the eight learning strategies. Dimensions are 3" X 36".
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Wisconsin Educational Communications Board and University of Wisconsin Extension