About Into the Book
Into the Book is a multimedia package designed to improve elementary students' reading comprehension, as well as their ability to think and learn across the curriculum.

Based on current research, the project focuses on eight learning strategies: using prior knowledge, making connections, questioning, visualizing, inferring, summarizing, evaluating and synthesizing. Bibliography (PDF)
Into the Book includes:
  • a student website featuring interactive reading comprehension activities.
  • a teacher website featuring video clips, posters, teacher guides, lesson plans and a matrix linking each activity with Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts.
  • a professional learning website featuring resources from Behind the Lesson, an unscripted professional learning series, as well as information on how to use Into the Book to meet Educator Effectiveness System and Professional Development Plan requirements.
  • nine 15-minute classroom videos teaching children how to be strategic readers.
  • the Behind the Lesson video series including nine 10-minute professional development videos that model effective ways of teaching the learning strategies.

Into the Book was developed by PBS Wisconsin Education, with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and a team of experienced educators. The videos were produced by PBS Wisconsin and the Agency for Instructional Technology. The website was created by Eduweb. This project was supported in part by Wisconsin's Reading First U.S. Department of Education funding.

Visit pbswisconsineducation.org to discover more cross-curricular K-12 classroom resources.
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Wisconsin Educational Communications Board and University of Wisconsin Extension