Questioning: Share Your Questions

Questioning helps you find information and focus your attention on what's important in the text. Ask questions like "Why?" "What if?" and "I wonder?" before, during and after reading and you'll understand a lot better.
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How do questions help you understand a story? Think of your questions as the keys to the castle! By asking questions, you open doors to understanding. Choose a story to begin!
Castles Around the World
Life in a Castle
Knights in the 1400s

The Silver Hearth
Four Friends
Two Brothers

Go To Next Part of the Story
Now review your questions. Can you answer any more of them? Click on each one to type your answer!
Open the Door!

You've come up with many questions about this story.
For some, you found the answers "in the story." For others,
the answers can only be found "in your head."
Congratulations! You earn one point for each question answered "in the story!" You earn two points for each one you must find the answer for "in your head!"

The "head" questions are harder—but they often reveal the true meaning of the story!
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The Answer Was...
In the story
In my head

Drag each
question to one
of these sections
You've earned your questioning bookmark.

Remember, you've got to ask questions if you want to understand.
Question Mark

Email Your Questions and Answers
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E-mail your questions to your teacher or someone else so
you can talk about them later.
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A production of PBS Wisconsin Education
A service of the Wisconsin Educational Communications Board

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Into the Map
Wisconsin Biographies