Inferring: Use The Clues

Inferring means figuring out something that the author doesn't actually say. You can use clues that are in the text, and things from your own mind. Sometimes it's called "reading between the lines," and it adds a lot more meaning to the story.
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My mom gave my winter coat and boots to Goodwill yesterday--hooray!
I don't think I'll ever get enough of seeing a real NBA team in person!
I can't wait to fly my paper airplanes over the biggest canyon in the country!
I read three chapter books on the way here from Chicago.
I spent the whole morning drawing bubbling rainbow springs.
I got a stuffed grizzly bear.
We saw the Big Dipper and the Milky Way.
earn my
junior ranger
The beginning of this movie almost made me hit the snooze button.
You need a tent and a cooler filled with food.
However, the last 20 minutes will have you holding on to your seat and begging for your mom.
All I have to say is that a
hairy beast will need some big shoes if he ever leaves the woods.
Skateboards are on sale at Washburn Sports this weekend./In your dreams...
But skateboarding is a great way to get exercise./So is running. You already have two legs that you can use for that.
BTW It is my birthday next week./And my birthday is next month. What are you getting me?
Map of the contiguous U.S.
Warm States
Cities with pro basketball teams
Within 250 miles of the Grand Canyon
She must be more than 600 miles from Chicago
Places with hot springs
Where grizzlies live in the wild
Where grizzlies live in zoos
Where the skies are dark
National Parks around the country

Hammer Balance Door
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Don't forget to use it! Always look for clues to help you read between the lines.

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